型号 | 8431,8432 |
量程范围 | 8431 0 … 5 N 8432 0 … 2.5 N |
受力方向 | 双向拉压力 |
标准化信号 | 8431,8432 15 … 40 mV/V 1.5 mV/V 2 mV/V 取决于不同量程 |
信号输出 | |
保护等级 | |
过载保护 | |
拉盘 | |
受力压头 | |
使用温度范围 | |
具体特点 |
精确的张力和压缩力测量可以在有限的空间中使用型号8431和8432精密微型传感器可在有限的空间中精密的测量拉力和压力. 精度高, 量程选择多, 小尺寸双外螺纹设计方便安装 ,广泛用于在实验室和生产环境中。
The series are among our most precise and yet mechanically sturdy miniature load cells. All options, typical only for larger load cells, are available with this miniature series such as hermetically sealed construction, overload protection and boring for pressure compensation when applied under vacuum.
Its complex design with integrated support membranes and overload protection reduces additional construction effort for external overload protection or guidance of force of applied parts in many applications. This requires little space, has little material and weight and almost no component friction, which could falsify the measurement result.
The connection cable suitable for robot applications make the precision miniature load cells especially suitable for use in the areas of special purpose
The force to be measured is applied to the cylindrical sensor unit in the tension or compression direction by means of the two external threads. This means that the sensor must be mounted without any attachments touching the end faces of the sensor housing. This avoids excessive contact pressures on the material and tensions inside the sensor that would affect its measuring element. Please refer to the sensor user manual for guidance on the various options for fitting the sensor, which depend amongst other factors on its measurement range. Although the precision miniature load cell is designed to isolate the measuring element from external forces, torsion and bending moments should be avoided.
Two stabilizing support diaphragms inside the sensors for small measurement ranges minimize the effect of transverse forces and moments and ensure long-term mechanical stability for measurements. The network for temperature compensation or standardization of the output signal is located on a sheathed circuit board in a wider section of the sensor's connecting cable. The maximum static operational force is the maximum force in the direction of the measurement axis that the sensor can tolerate. The overload protection is not designed for frequent use of the sensor in the overload range or for sudden loads. The sensors work in any orientation. They have an active side which acts directly on the measuring element, whereas the passive side is fixed to the housing.
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burster总部位于德国巴登 - 符腾堡州。 半个多世纪以来一直致力于精密,高质量的测量方案的提供,现已成为高精密电阻、电阻测试仪、校准器、传感器信号处理和过程监控的精密仪器,传感器和系统最重要的供应商之一。作为一家ISO9001认证企业,所有产品均取得CE认证,拥有欧洲DKD高品质认证实验室。
burster为德国乃至全球的7500多家客户提供服务。 burster的创新和经验丰富的团队为这些客户提供了密集的应用支持。 解决复杂的测量问题并将测量和测试技术集成到生产环境中,用于生产控制,质量保证和测试设备监控,是该业务的日常仪表任务。